Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tell It Like It Is

As Esmé's vocabulary has been increasing, she has started to say such funny things.  I've been really excited for this stage because I love hearing all the silly and clever things that come out of young kids' mouths.  Although Esmé is nowhere near coming up with the gems like my LovelyMonkey nephews, I'd like to remember some of my favourites.

Kyle: "Do you want to go swimming today?"
Esmé: "But the water's cold."
K: "Do you still want to go?"
E: "Sure! I'll just wear a sweater."

E: "Mom, can you eat like a dinosaur like this?"
I try a bite.
E: "Good job, Mom!  But keep practicing."

A man gets on the elevator and has one of those moustaches that curl up on the ends.  Esmé points to the man and yells: "Look, Mom! That man is funny!" Awkward elevator ride to follow.

Early in my pregnancy when I was nauseous and threw up for the first time, Esmé was quite intrigued.  I don't think she had seen me or anyone else throw up before.  So she stood right next to me making observations.
Esmé: "Mom, you are coughing into the toilet?"
Me: Ack, cough, "No, honey," gag, "I'm barfing."
E: "Oh, you're barfing like a cat?"
Me: Gag, "No, it's not a hairball."
She watches me for a bit and then strokes my shoulder, "It's okay Mommy, it's okay."
I suddenly felt better...

After church one day:
E: "When the baby comes can we put it in a basket and throw it in the river like Moses?"

E: "Can I have some milk?"
Me: I nod with "Mm Hmm."
E: "Mom, talk with using your mouth."
Linguistics from a 2 yr old?

Her "I love you" is getting longer and longer as she adds on something new every few weeks.  Now it's, "I love you so much, in all the world, all the time, in his hands, and in a chair."  (I have no idea.)

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