Monday, December 7, 2009

Sleep Wars

I understand that the phrase "sleeping like a baby" is meant to mean sleeping soundly. Hmm, I vote that we nix this meaning of the phrase in favour of the real definition, which I'd say is more synonymous with "sleeping like a Vietnam vet."

Yes, from the way Esmé sleeps, you'd think she spent time in Nam. She will wake up to the floorboards creaking in the other room. If the heater clicks on she stirs. And heaven forbid if she hears the clink of a glass as I get my dehydrated, milk-drained self a glass of water. I don't even want to mention trying to get her to go to sleep in the first place, that's a war story in itself.

... can you tell how my night's been? ...

However... once she is actually sleeping, undisturbed, she rewards us with 6 hours of straight sleep. Which really doesn't sound like a lot, but it's better than the 2-3 hours we were getting a few weeks ago!

Okay, so now that we can't use that phrase anymore, what should be our new phrase for sleeping soundly?

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2 Months Esmé! You sure have a funny mommy :)
    I'm glad to hear that once mom and dad have completed all of your bedtime requirements to the necessary specifications you honour them just as the Lord asks.
