Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Miss My Midwife

Esmé had her first check up with the doctor a couple days ago. She is now 12 lbs. 11 oz. and 62 cm long. Doc said that she is tall for her age, which makes me very confused since both Kyle and I always had to sit on the front row in class pictures. (Kyle says he actually had to sit down on the floor next to the class sign.) At 2 months I did have to pack away all her 0-3 month clothes because they were too small and she's now fitting perfectly into 3-6 months.

Aside from the good news that all was okay with our babe, the doctor visit was very disappointing. It has been almost a year since I was there, just because I've only been seeing my midwife throughout this pregnancy. But we only get midwifery services until the baby is 6 weeks old, then we are transferred back to our family doctor. What a shock it was for me to be back in that clinic. I've already gushed about my MW during my labour care, so here are...

6 More Reasons Why I Love My Midwife:*

1. My MW clinic is warm and and inviting...

Doc's clinic is...

2. MW was fair. She assumed that I actually have a brain and she laid out all the options I had regarding medications, delivery methods, tests, etc. without any bias and let me make the choice. Now with all the growing controversy around vaccines, I asked Doc for information about baby immunizations, and she just told us we need to get them all. Then she went so far as to begin to fill a dose of each the flu shot and the H1N1 for Kyle and I so that she could stick us before we left her office. When we told her that we wanted to think about it before getting the flu shots, she pulled the "if you were good parents you'd do it" card. Nothing like peer pressure from the doc!

3. MW seems to have a special interest in babies (obviously!) while I don't think Doc even remembered her name.

4. Doc made my baby cry. I was clearly exhibiting mama bear instinct and wanted to maul Doc when she did the hip displasia test and hurt my baby. MW has done this same test several times, always gently and never painfully. Now that I think about it, my baby didn't cry once with MW, even when she got the heel prick.

5. MW cares about our family's emotional well being. She always asked how we were coping with a new born, etc. And Doc? Well, she mentioned how she missed reading the paper in the morning after having HER kids, but that was about it.

6 . MW gave me a hug as I left the last appointment. 'Nuff said.

I vote that midwives extend their services for a full year after baby is born. All in favour?

*Disclaimer: This applies to MY Doc and MW, I’m sure there are good Docs and bad MWs out there too.


  1. I'm glad to hear how well Esmé is growing. I also love the disclaimer!
    Hopefully your next visit is much better.

  2. I'll vote yes to that!! Love this post Eliza....
    miss you guys

