Thursday, April 1, 2010

Visiting Grandma

Esmé and I went on a little vacation to see my parents in Alberta. It was really great to see them and their foster kids. We had a good time and were really sad to leave.

Esmé did really well on her first plane ride outside the womb. The plane was full so she sat on my lap, which is odd since there are such strict regulations for infant car seats yet babies don't get any seatbelts on planes. I guess when you are at 30,000 ft. a piece of fabric across my lap isn't really going to do much

She slept for about 10 minutes total, played with her toys, gnawed on her shoes, watched a cartoon for 5 seconds, explored the back of the seat in front of her, practiced her screeching noises, tried to eat the flight safety pamphlet, grinned at the people across the isle, and kept trying to grab the arm of the person next to her with her slobbery hands. I felt like I was in some sort of high altitude wrestling match.

The kids loved Esmé and played with her a lot. So between them and my parents, she got plenty of love and attention which meant I was relieved of my duty as "entertainer" for a little while.

Esmé in my mom's old high chair.

So sleepy after a long day of playing and chaos watching.


  1. so glad your trip was a success. we hope to see you all very soon. Did you cut your hair short? Oh and I am logging a request for another visit with Esme, please :)

  2. Gosh Esmé is so stunning! I also love the intimacy of the photo of you and her, it's perfect.

    Was the plane ride home full as well? At least it wasn't a very long ride =)
