Thursday, June 27, 2013

Things I Love About Babies

Tyne is now six months old, which means we are half way through her baby stage.  In another six months she'll be walking and entering toddler territory.  I love seeing her grow every day, watching how fast she learns and changes and develops.  But it is so bittersweet because this may be the last time I will ever have an infant.  As anyone who has ever had a baby of their own knows, it is an experience beyond anything any words or songs or blogs or poems could ever describe.  I want to remember some of my favourite things about my baby by writing them down...

Smooth squishy baby cheeks against mine.
Wide open-mouthed gummy smiles.
Eyes so pure and new and innocent.
That sweet candy smell.
Giggles that come from deep down in the belly.
Tiny hands that at first move erratically, then begin to aim, then to grasp, then to hold.
Soft feet, little toes, always curling and gripping.
Rolls in the knees, in the elbows, under the chin.
Small, quick, sweet sleeping breaths.
Mouth searching and aiming for whatever touches the cheeks.
Tiny voice, loud voice, screeches, squeals.
The look of surprise at the first roll over.
Nuzzling into my neck.
Gulping and swallowing milk with such contentment.
So warm.
Eyes staring into mine, learning, recognizing, unconditionally loving.
Bottom lip quivering in sadness.
Discovering a blade of grass for the first time.
Legs kicking in excitement.
Watching and studying sister, cat, fingers, water, trees.
The stillness and flaccidity of sleep.


  1. This is why older women say our arms ache to hold a baby. This is why we need to be grandmothers & great-grandmothers.

  2. I need to see this babe while she is still squishable. I sure miss the 2 of them. Why can't you have a few more babies for Grama to hold?
