Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Mural

Mama With a Cane and a Baby
Marker on Sheet Rock

One morning Kyle rolled out of bed and took Tyne into Esmé's room to change her diaper.  As he fumbled with the diaper, half asleep and groggy-eyed, Esmé (our early riser) said, "Look Papa, look at my drawing!" 
Kyle mumbled, "Uh huh, just a sec," still fiddling with the diaper.  
"Look Papa!" again from the proud artist.

He finally looked up and there in front of him was a life-sized portrait drawn with care and precision by our little Michelangelo.  

Kyle, unsure how to react, maintained a straight face and called in backup (me) to set the tone for the situation. My response was much less dignified as I burst out laughing, which quickly turned to snorting as I tried to swallow my amusement.
Once I gained control of myself, I sat down with Esmé and informed her that drawing on walls was, in fact, wrong.  To which her pride suddenly faded into horror as the prospect of a time-out loomed ahead.  But how could I possibly punish such talent?  

We kept the mural up for as long as possible to admire the beauty (and so I could giggle every time I walked past her room.)  

Eat your heart out Sistine Chapel.  

And no, it didn't all come off.

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