Friday, March 22, 2013

The Kyle Chronicles

There are two questions that I get asked fairly often which usually result in me staring off into space, wondering how to formulate an answer.  The first, from a new acquaintance, "And what does your husband do for a living?" And the second, from everyone else, "So what is Kyle up to these days?"

"Well... you know... stuff."  This is me trying to stall as I decide how much information the person actually wants to know.

So I'll give you point form, and if you want more, just click!

  • Doing final the revisions on his Eadweard screenplay
  • Casting for Eadweard the film, shooting this summer
  • Film Pre-production on Eadweard (budgeting, hiring crew, meeting lawyers, contacting investors, re-writing, interviewing, more hiring, visualizing, storyboarding, location scouting, and on and on and...)
  • Talking to news magazines
  • Getting more press, and more, e di piu
  • Being the weekly voice of a cute lizard
  • Voice over for a few other animations which haven't been released yet
  • Sending his second feature film screenplay to production companies (title and subject not yet released!)
  • Writing a third feature film screenplay based on a Canadian novel (also a secret!)
  • Applying for funding for his TV pilot (you guessed it... a secret!)
  • Auditioning for film, TV, theatre, and voice acting
  • Writing film grant proposals
  • Keeping up with his short films Hop the Twig and Wait for Rain which are still touring the world film festivals and winning way to many awards.
  • Teaching Shakespeare to kids in schools
  • Travelling to Philadelphia, Toronto, and LA for film research, meetings with investors, and interviewing with agents. (No links but a few photos for you.)

All this and he still makes time for diaper changes, story time, wrestling, cooking breakfast, running errands, doing laundry and dishes, and cuddling with all three of his "girls."

Superman?  I think so.

(Don't forget to check out the Motion58 blog for periodic Kyle updates.)


  1. Holy Moly. I knew all this, but in point form it is formidable.

  2. I dont even know all the details as you do and the other day when Tara asked what he did I also didnt know where to begin.
    Way to go Kyle!!!
