Thursday, November 12, 2009

Elvis and the Pink Elephant

Can you believe Esmé is 5 weeks old already?

She has just started smiling at us, which is thrilling! She'll flash a quick little grin that lights up our day.

Things feel like they are becoming a little bit more sane every day. Kyle and I are learning more about our daughter, and she is learning more about us. And amazingly I cleaned the house today while taking care of Esmé all by myself. I have not been able to do this yet for some reason. I feel so accomplished. This could also be aided by the fact that Esmé slept for 5 and a half straight hours last night. Another first that greatly contributes to all our sanity.

Tummy time with a pink elephant.

Lying around this afternoon listening to Elvis. Life is good...


  1. Oh.... I can't wait to see you all. She is changing so quickly. Congrats on the cleaning and giving childcare simultaneously! There are still days this place looks like a cyclone hit it and I just have to sigh and look the other way, but really one day I will have clean floors but much fewer play-doh creations on the window sill.
    all my best :)

  2. good to hear that you got 5 hours of sleep!! wow! congrats!
    much love to you three
