Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Two Weeks!

Esmé had her two week check up today. She is getting nice and fat and weighs 8 lbs. 6 oz.

I've decided that this baby we were given may not be fully human for several reasons...

1. She seems to be in the process of shedding a layer of skin. And as we all know, this is an activity normally reserved for the reptilian variety, not humans.

2. She has super human strength. The other night when I was giving her a bath, I sat her forward in the tub while I supported her head so I could clean her back. Somehow my little two week old managed to get her feet under her and STAND UP in the tub! Obviously she's harnessing super powers.

3. She's already discovered the laws of human kinetics. While lying on her back, she has learned that if she throws her arms above her head while arching her back and violently twisting her legs across her body, she can roll over on to her side. I tried to explain to her that infants her age are not allowed to roll over yet, but there seems to be some sort of language barrier. (See #4)

4. She refuses to learn English and insists on using obnoxious screaming noises to communicate. This is getting old fast.

Little girl blue

After she rolled on to her side, now sleeping with her arm across her face.

She loves her cozy minky blanket from Grandma Anne.


  1. hmm...well if Esmé isn't quite human, what does that make you? Have you been keeping a secret from me all these years?? ;)

  2. Hybrids are nearly always hardier than pure strains. Hence your own superhuman strengths throughout labour, as well as your 1/4 hybrid daughter.
