Thursday, October 22, 2009

Talent Comes in Many Forms

5 feet, 10 inches. The total distance our elegant daughter can shoot a stream of poo across the room. Thanks to my quick reflexes, my face was narrowly missed. I'll spare you the aftermath pictures.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Two Weeks!

Esmé had her two week check up today. She is getting nice and fat and weighs 8 lbs. 6 oz.

I've decided that this baby we were given may not be fully human for several reasons...

1. She seems to be in the process of shedding a layer of skin. And as we all know, this is an activity normally reserved for the reptilian variety, not humans.

2. She has super human strength. The other night when I was giving her a bath, I sat her forward in the tub while I supported her head so I could clean her back. Somehow my little two week old managed to get her feet under her and STAND UP in the tub! Obviously she's harnessing super powers.

3. She's already discovered the laws of human kinetics. While lying on her back, she has learned that if she throws her arms above her head while arching her back and violently twisting her legs across her body, she can roll over on to her side. I tried to explain to her that infants her age are not allowed to roll over yet, but there seems to be some sort of language barrier. (See #4)

4. She refuses to learn English and insists on using obnoxious screaming noises to communicate. This is getting old fast.

Little girl blue

After she rolled on to her side, now sleeping with her arm across her face.

She loves her cozy minky blanket from Grandma Anne.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy One Week Esmé!

Since Esmé is one week old today, I figured I should post some photos!

Some of you have been asking about my labour story, so that comes first. If you aren't interested, please skip ahead for the baby pics!

The Epic Labour

Monday: I began early labour at 2 am on Monday morning with contractions that met the “time to call the midwife” criteria. Kyle set up our home with all the supplies for our planned home birth. But when the sun rose, my contractions slowed drastically... false start I guess! They picked up again in the evening and we called my friend Amanda, our amazing labour and prayer support, who brought such a peaceful presence into our home. At midnight the midwives came over and told me that, even though my contractions were 4 min. apart, 1 min. long, I was only 2 cm dilated and still in early labour. Phshh.

Tuesday: After being up all night for the second night in a row, I was still only 2 cm by the morning. The midwives gave me an injection of Gravol so I could sleep and get up my energy again. I slept in between contractions while Kyle was constantly by my side, encouraged me to eat and drink, massaged my back and legs, and was the most supportive husband I could ask for. I really wanted to get things moving so I began climbing up and down the stairs, walking around our apartment in circles, doing one legged squats during each contraction, etc. Things felt like they got much more intense after all that so the midwives came over again. And... still only 2 cm! But the baby’s heart rate was quite high so we had to go into the hospital to monitor it for a while. Turns out she was just fine, so I went home again and spent a third night trying to sleep in between contractions.

Wednesday: I tried to relax as much as I could in the morning by sleeping in the bathtub while Kyle held my head and gave me fluids to drink. (At one point I saw poor Kyle sleeping with his head on the side of the tub while his hand was holding my head. What an amazing guy!) The midwives came by again in the afternoon and told me I now had pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) and had to go into the hospital again. They said that since I was dilating so slowly we should start thinking about inducing. I really was against any interventions so I was quite disappointed by this news. But, once we got to the hospital, I had made progress and was 5 cm! So no interventions or drugs for me! By 6:15 pm I was fully dilated and delivered our beautiful daughter in just 45 min.

Kyle was so incredible during those three days. He never left my side, was always on his toes, anticipating what I might need, making sure I drank and ate and slept. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing husband.

I also couldn’t have asked for a better team of midwives. They knew exactly what I needed, were so gentle and caring, and full of wisdom and experience. I felt so supported and encouraged during the whole labour.

And now introducing...

Esmé Sofiya Rideout

Born Oct. 7, 2009

6:57 pm

7 lbs. 15 oz.

55 cm (22.5 inches)

Just a few seconds old

Some skin to skin time.

Proud Papa

Esmé is giving a high five to the midwives, "We did it!"

Midwives Tracy and Andrea

First outfit to go home in.

Trying to figure out the car seat.

Wrapped in a towel after her first bath at home.

Proud first time grandma

Just as proud 10th time grandma.

Beautiful quilt hand made by Grandma Anne.

Uncle Kevin

Proud first time great-grandparents.

Kyle is so sleep deprived he's getting the baby confused with the cat...
More pics to come, sometime between changing diapers and feeding!