Sunday, December 15, 2013

Awkward Sleeping Positions

Esmé is now past her napping stage and usually crashes in bed by 7pm.  But when she was still having her afternoon naps, it took her a while to fall asleep for naps or bedtime.  I'd put her into bed, leave her there nicely tucked in, and listen to her talk or sing to herself for awhile before drifting off.  And often she would get up and entertain herself for a bit (usually unknown to me until I would come in later and find toys laying around.)  And sometimes, in the middle of all this playing, I guess she would suddenly become exhausted.  Too exhausted to tuck herself back into bed.  The result: very awkward sleeping positions….

Backwards, on top of blanket.  A little awkward, if not cold.

 On top of blanket, with all her stuffed animals... and a random bucket. 

 With all of her learning puzzle pieces.  Crowded, but at least smarter.

 Now abandoning her bed in favour of the wood floor. (Care Bears get priority I guess.)

 Wood floor not comfortable enough? Let's try in Tyne's crib.

Or even under the crib…  on top of magazines… with feet propped up on boxes.

Here her pyjamas seemed to have turned into a Snow White dress.

Then later, recreating a Snow White murder scene. 

And my favourite, sleeping with a basket on her head.  As curious as I am, I'll never really know why.

And just for fun... our cat.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA - this is great! especially love snow white and the basket. hasn't everyone wanted to crawl back into a crib again and see what it feels like?
