Saturday, December 1, 2012

Turkey Strike

This year for Canadian Thanksgiving I cleaned, dressed, and cooked a large turkey.  Even though it turned out great, I was emotionally scarred by the huge bird carcass and told Kyle that next time he had to do the cleaning and dressing.

We had bought two turkeys while they were at a good price so decided to cook one up for American Thanksgiving as well.  And so now it was Kyle's turn.  He only got to the cleaning part before he had to quit, now also emotionally scarred by Big Bird's dismembered neck and large folded wings.

I guess we will be having vegetarian Thanksgivings from now on...  unless we can later convince our kids to clean and cook the turkey for their wimpy parents!

1 comment:

  1. I once put on a vegetarian Thanksgiving & my brother hasn't forgiven me yet.

    I can do turkeys now because of living with a man who hangs up & bleeds dead deer in our garage. I've learned to disengage my senses & comprehension to get by.
