Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Day of School

Enamoured with preschool, she runs from me and toward her class as I yell after her, "Don't forget to give me a hug goodbye!"  A hug that is more for her mama than for her.  And in that moment there is a change.  This little one who was once my girl, is now a girl.  Lost in the crowd of other children and teachers.  She is now her own, in an independent world that is not mine, that I have no part of.  She hangs up her backpack and sits down with the other kids.  I try to catch a last glimpse of her as I head out the door.  She is so tall.  So content.  So sure.  I burst with pride and let the outside breeze dry my eyes.


  1. The time is too, too quick isn't it. She is busy being a girl as you say, but forever for you she'll be your girl. And don't you know, she will always come back to you even as a woman, for help, advice, a shoulder. But it will never be the same as it is now. Even though she is with you, she is partly away now.

  2. I have to say, the photo of Esme walking away looks so much like a little Gillian, remember her little ponytails?

  3. Those big eyes are killer! Look out world, here she comes!! And as for girl names...How about Garnet? That was on our short list, but alas, two boys. Let's see, we also had Brielle, Claire, Joelle, and Evangeline. Those are all I can think of. And, since I don't really know when you are due, you could have already had her! :) Miss you guys!!

  4. Thank you for the name suggestions! And as for the due date, it's dec 15, 2 days before my bday!
