Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Esmé and I were colouring the other day I noticed this...

What? REALLY? Oh dear Crayola, have you forgotten what century we are in? I checked the black crayon. Nope, no mention of Africa. Maybe that would be a little too obvious.

Okay, for you factual types out there, I did do my research a bit and found out that, according to the Crayola website, Indian Red is also a reddish-brown oil paint found near India. But hey, that's not the point! Intent doesn't matter when the first thing that comes to most people's minds is not obscure oil paint but a racist reference to a people who have endured centuries of brutality. Let's not normalize these terms any more than they already are. Who are these crayon-colour-thinker-uppers anyway? Sheesh.


  1. Remember when a peachy Crayola was named "Flesh"?

    1. yes i do. in fact, a few years ago the Associated Press described a certain peachy coloured dress worn on the red carpet as "flesh." guess who was wearing it... Michelle Obama

  2. hahaha, not sure what's funnier.. your rant about "indian red", or your research about "flesh"?
