Thursday, November 25, 2010

Snow is fun! I think.

We had a good dump of snow today so Esmé got to experience the magic for the first time. She didn't want to walk without holding my hand. I'm guessing it was partly because the 3 cm of snow was up to her knees and partly because she couldn't move in her snowsuit and boot combo. She also didn't want to touch the snow. I think she thought it was dirt. The only time she touched it was when I made a snowball and told her it was a ball (her favourite thing). Then she took it and decided to give it a taste. Soon afterwards she started to panic a little so we went home. I think she needed some other kids to show her how it's done.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hey Buddy! Watch Where Yer Goin!

(Update: I was just questioned as to why our child is riding half naked, in the front seat, without a seatbelt, in -4 degree weather. (Yes, it was -4 today!) Please don't call the authorities, there is a good explanation for this. This picture was taken before the temperature dropped, the car was parked, Kyle was on the sidewalk and happened to have a camera, I was in the car trying to change her dirty shirt before we went out, Esme poked out her head to look at Kyle who snapped the photo. And there you have it. )

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Value of an Hour

Whoever invented daylight savings time must not have had young children. Making Esmé stay up an hour later means that she wakes up an hour earlier. (I don't get it either. It's stupid.) And so that "extra hour of sleep" we were suppose to get turned into a 5 am cryfest leading to random screaming fits throughout the rest of the day. We might be evicted tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010