Esmé also met her cousins and instant friendships were created.

We spent most of the time sitting and visiting (a favourite Kansas pastime). But there was also lots of playing and exploring.
Although we did have a great time overall, Esmé had a few rough days. The second day we were there she got a fever that kept her from sleeping and I stayed up all night holding her in the rocking chair while she whimpered and tossed.
It wasn't until the next morning that I suddenly realized why she might have a fever. So I looked into her mouth and there it was, a gleaming white tooth poking up through her painful little gums.
It was so sudden. One day she just had an adorable toothless grin and the next day there was this intruder. And then, before I knew it, a second incisor fought its way through. So Esmé came home with two teeth, leaving her gummy smile back in Kansas.
I absolutely LOVE this picture of your Grandmother with Esmé!