Monday, May 31, 2010

Top Ten Reasons You Know You Don't Get Out to the Movies Very Much

1. You are so excited to be going out that you wear high heels.

2. You forget to eat lunch before you go because you are so busy getting everything ready for the babysitter and are starving so think, "That's okay, I'll just grab something at the theatre" only to realize that the hamburgers are $13.

3. On the way there you think how nice it would be to just pull over and have a nap in the car instead.

4. You finally use the free movie passes you've had since last Christmas.

5. You keep your cell phone in your hand during the movie so you can feel it vibrate just in case the babysitter calls.

6. You periodically check the cell phone just in case the babysitter called and you missed it.

7. You text the babysitter in the middle of the movie just to make sure your phone is still working.

8. You keep having the urge to turn down the volume on the movie because it might wake the baby.

9. You cry whenever the scene shows a distraught baby. Even if it's only in the background and no one else in the theatre even noticed it.

10. When you tell people what movie you saw they say, "Oh, I haven't gone to see that one yet," and you think "that one?? I haven't seen any!"


  1. Ha, ha, ha....I totally get that. I have seen 2 movies in theater since A was born. Except the one I saw with them, I think it was my favorite!

  2. I love your top tens!
