Esmé, Tyne, and I spent an early Christmas in Alberta with my parents. The girls had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.
Baking with Grandma
Playing lots of games
Reading bedtime stories... with all three household pets, including the "big gog" (dog) that Tyne was a little afraid of.
Opening Christmas presents with their cousins.
And of course, playing in Alberta snow.
Kyle spent a couple weeks in Santa Monica at the American Film Market (AFM) landing a great sales company for their film...
... meeting with film folk, watching movie screenings...
...and generally just looking cool.
But he did get home in time to take part in lots family Christmas fun!
Vandusen Festival of Lights (terrible picture, but it was fun!)
Roasting Marshmallows quickly before the fire on the terrible wood we bought died out. (That's basically just a firestarter that's burning.)
Esmé had the chance to see the Nutcracker ballet twice! (Once with her school and once with Grandma.) This led to a slight obsession with nutcrackers.

So of course she had to write a letter to ask Santa for a nutcracker.
Which we mailed to the North Pole.
And on Christmas morning... surprise! Santa (and Canadian Tire) totally came through. Nutcracker went everywhere with Esmé for about 3 weeks (including Kindergarten show and tell) until she began to realize that nutcrackers are a little boring when they don't magically come to life and prance around on tiptoe and save you from giant mice.
This was the first that Tyne understood Christmas and of course she developed a keen interest in presents.
We hope you all had a magical marvellous holiday!