Friday, January 31, 2014


When there are 3 kids playing in the bedroom and then there's nothing but silence for awhile, suspicions arise.  But instead of foul play, it was just 2 books and a soother keeping them quiet.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today's Song

The song I heard Esmé singing today (sung to the tune of Happy Birthday):

Happy Chanukah to you,
Happy Chanukah to you,
Happy Chanukah dear Batman,
Happy Chanukah to you!

I guess Batman is celebrating the festival of lights today.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


…her favourite toy.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


We spent this Christmas in Vernon with Grandma Anne and Grandpa Rick and a whole bunch of cousins…

 This picture shows 6 out of the 9 kids that were there.

While Esmé opened presents, Tyne mostly just worked on eating an orange… with the peel on. 

My lovelies, after the present opening mayhem.

Christmas sunset

Box Kids

A box arrived with Christmas gifts.  Or was the box the Christmas gift?

Tyne immediately crawled up onto it.  She loves climbing on anything she can, chairs, tables, stairs.

I love this picture because I think that it shows each of their personalities.  While Tyne talks, yells, and expresses herself with as much emotional energy as possible, Esmé gives Tyne an affectionate hug and smiles at the camera.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sister Love

They like to hold hands while riding in the car.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy First Birthday Tyne!

To the girl who loves black olives but won't eat a cupcake…